
Hi all,

This is my first time uploading a PDF so I hope it works.  If you can’t read it, it’s an invitation to come to an open house for a alternative scouting program in Brooklyn on January 9th from 6-8 pm at Ethical Culture on PPW.  BPSA is a national co-ed scouting organization that aims to teach and uphold the goals of traditional scouting while remaining inclusive to all families.

I know that I personally would not enroll my son in the Boys Scouts due to their bigoted stance on gays and lesbians so I am excited for the chance to find out more about this program.  I know our current PSCCCers may be too young but I thought it would be of interest to alums and those of you with older siblings, as well as those looking ahead.



Abigail (Clover and Milo)