Dear Bear Families,

The Bears are celebrating Pajama Day on Friday, February 13, complete with a class breakfast.

Please be sure to dress your child in PAJAMAS for Friday!  However, for safety sake, we ask that you NOT dress your child in long nightgowns (children can trip on the hems) or footie pajamas (children can slip).

Also, please have extra layers of clothing (e.g., sweaters, sweat pants) for your child to put on over their pajamas in case they feel cold.

Also, please have your child bring a favorite stuffie to show the class (and to snuggle with).

Finally, if your child does not attend the Collective on Fridays, s/he is invited to join us from 9-1 for the Pajama Day and breakfast celebration. Just please be sure to tell the Bears teachers or me if you would like your child to attend on Friday.

